8 Channel DC 5V Relay Module in Pakistan

8 Channel DC 5V Relay Module in Pakistan

SKU: Mod-04




The Relay Shield provides a solution for controlling high current devices that cannot be controlled by the Arduino’s Digital I/O pins due to their current and voltage limits.

The Relay Shield features four high quality relays and provides NO/NC interfaces, four dynamic LED indicators to show the on/off state of each relay, and the standardized shield form factor to provide a smooth connection to the Arduino/Seeeduino board or other Arduino compatible boards.
Arudino Uno/Leonardo/Seeeduino compatible; Other board or micro controller via jumper cables
Interface via digital I/O pins 4,5,6, and 7
Relay screw terminals
Standardized shield shape and design
LED working status indicators for each relay
High quality relays
COM, NO (Normally Open), and NC (Normally Closed) relay pins for each relay.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg